
August 27th, 2009

As a semi-recovering geek, its only fair that I admit to being tempted by the dark side (aka RPN) in 1975. This is the year that my uncle Don came to visit with his HP67. His demo of the utility of RPN convinced me of its superiority over the algebraic entry method found on most calculators including the TI SR51A I then owned. The fact that the 67 was programmable and could save/load program code to/from magnetic cards appeared at the time to be quite amazing. Financial constraints kept me using my TI through my remaining high school and college years. But then the watershed year of 1981 came to pass delivering several milestones into my life which included; obtaining an Engineering a degree from MTU, marrying Jean, moving from the UP to Texas, gaining full time employment, benefiting from the Reagan tax cuts, and FINALLY purchasing my first HP41CV. In 1984, I did some bartering with a colleague, which resulted in an upgrade to the HP41CX which I still use today (update: 2014). There is nothing quite like the feel of the 41, its very hard to give up. Indeed as technology has advanced I�ve found it comforting to be able to keep using the 41 via emulation software on various platforms including MS Windows based PCs and Macs. But the pi�ce de r�sistance for me is the iPhone app i41cx+. With this app, my trusty HP can be clandestinely carried with me at all times. Like the substitution of superglue for masking tape to keep my glasses together, this iPhone app allows my geekishness to remain unexposed. Oh, I almost forgot the reason for posting this page which is to give the link for downloading some of the programs I�ve written for the HP41. Here you go: Link to my HP41 programs. These may be useful to you, particularly if you happen to be designing down-hole tools. But since that almost sounds like a promise, let me clarify that these programs are to be used at your own risk and you should validate any results. Furthermore, there is no warranty that the programs are suitable for any particular application or for that matter that they are bug free. On the other hand, if you are not a lawyer and commit never to speak to one (in connection with these programs), feel free to have fun with them and be sure to pass back any constructive comments or code improvements.

Other Links:

Software Downloads

General Information on the 41C

HP Key Notes (the 41C debuts in the August 1979 issue)